Monday 10 October 2011

Purposeful Living Part 1

Within each one of us lies our individual identity, talents and gifts, and purpose. We all need to ask ourselves the deepest of all questions - why am I here? For what purpose am I living? There must be a reason that you and I were created, a purpose to our very existence.

Too often we coast through our lives in existence instead of living a purposeful and fulfilling life. Each one of has a calling, to make a meaningful contribution to the world we live in and to make a difference to someone every day. In order to achieve that, we need to take a few steps back and ask ourselves if we know what we are talented or gifted in. This way, we are able to pursue a life that is aligned to our purpose for therein lies our automatic success. When you live a life in accordance to the gifts that you have been blessed with, it's almost like doing your hobby and getting paid for it! You achieve much success because what you are gifted in and what so easily comes to you compels you to immerse yourself in it and naturally succeed. This is the first step in finding your true purpose. Our lives were destined by God, to fulfill a particular purpose. Instead, most of us study a career that we don't really want to do, work for a company we don't truly believe in, and for a boss we might not necessarily look up to or like. We believe that having a job, any job, is enough, and we live each day hoping it would end soon without looking forward to the next day.

Our true purpose will set us free when we discover it and walk in its path. Our true purpose is the vision that God has set for our lives and is linked to our gifts, because we can fulfill our purpose with the gifts that we have been blessed with. So the step to begin with is discovering your talent, not trying to do what you like, but what you are talented at. Some people like to sing but they are not gifted in the music department. Stay away.

In my next blog, I will share with you practical steps on discovering your real gifts and talents and how that can lead you to live a truly fulfilling and purpose driven life. Till then, make a difference to somebody today.

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